TITLE: [linguistics, lexical, glossary, vacabulary] vacal
OBJECT: Open Source, see the ‘weather forecast’
Rain .
Give up Jekyll with ruby, because the themes have a lot of bugs.
English Learning:
- diary die lie lay ,delay defer refer perfer
- dyinng died death,
- lies lying lay lain, plural.past past participle
- laid
tense (past/future/continuous tense): 1 2 3
- vocal vowel
- words in everyday use
- basic vocabulary lexical, glossary, slang, clang,
- algorithm basic ABC-langguage Object-c
- ‘formula translation’, pascal, delph, delphin, elephant
//TODO: Just read and write it, fix the problem.
Tomorrow will be fine.
⁃ BECOME a enginner.
- Do network related work, but do not write code