  1. Define Keyboard stype.
    1. Balance of Acount trade / transaction /deal
    2. TextFieldView Event
    3. Button
  • skip Jump redirect
  • Callback
  • The base of compile
  • JadeIsland (2)

    sunny day .

    Define Keyboard stype.

    Balance of Acount trade / transaction /deal

    • Balance
    • change over to; shift to; switch to //include import
    • Turn out; roll-out; //bargaining export educe derive

    TextFieldView Event

    • Click down up over hang


    • set // get post
    • Network session cookie

    skip Jump redirect

    • View of button segue
    • controller present dissmiss ,push pop
    • function and value,// parameter of Formal P or instance


    • Pointer
    • MARK: //3Kinds: delegate Closure , Closure as param
    • controller call function and present,//VC.delegate.push
    • Event flow of UIView //
    • Give the value of Controller to View

    The base of compile

    • Server Network comunity By HTTPs . Get/Post/Delete
    • With Files of .Java .Net .PHP .Python

    //TODO: find a job. Develop a iOS App for example of case, learn front-end technology.

    Tomorrow is fine.

    ⁃ BECOME a  enginner.
    - Do network related work, but do not write code
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